I don't know about low IQ, but the Irish have proved to be very cowardly in the last few years. I hate saying that because I am Irish, but I think we have been an absolute DISGRACE to our antecedents.

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Well, to be fair... the Irish are actively rebelling against the plantation of the country more so than any other Western European nation, as far as I know. Your point is lacking any detail as to: 1.) what you even mean by that, and 2.) what nation's People in any Western country are doing anything dramatically more significant as far as resistance.

What country are you writing that from, and what would you suggest we do?

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Yes, there is movement alright...I was talking generally (and having a bad evening!).

Please don't second guess me and my family's history in the fight for Irish freedom....there is a LONG history there!

Éire Ábu!

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The worst thing we could do is to be black-pilled. We need to be proactive, and have ethics that empower us, not make us feel as though we are victims. Ireland's unique history and culture gives us an edge against the globalist narratives, and we have a lot of intelligent people who can make a lot of use of themselves. We will get nowhere if we aren't doing much more than observing and complaining.

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Very well said...Éire Abú!

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Myself and many others are with you, it's just that we are currently still in a state of disorder because of all that has been invested in waging psychological war on us to cause division and confusion.

We need to work against that. Truth and reason are on our side in the culture war. No amount of funding can keep a lid on either while humanity has any autonomy in it. We are so much more powerful than we know. Don't ever be discouraged, it is what The Enemy wants.

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Yes, the age-old tactic of divide and conquer of the psychopath.

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What's Irish freedom meant to mean? You mean you support the IRA and terrorism? There was no fight for Irish freedom, only one to subjugate the Unionist community within a horrific "United Ireland".

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As it happens, my family's active involvement with republicanism ended in the 1960s because of the way the 'campaign' was being fought. As far as I can make out, the republican movement was captured by MI5 quite a while back now. Sinn Fein are controlled opposition and have more interest in Palestine than Ireland, they are opportunists. The fight for Irish freedom has taken on a new phase and that is to fight against the global deep state, a tall order for sure. Would you at least agree with that? (Show your face, Mr David).

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Well, I think British nationalists are more focused on fighting the global deep state. Irish nationalists are stuck in Anglophobia. I watched the video of the Dublin protests yesterday and I thought it was great -- and particularly great the protesters were ignoring the severe laws Ireland now has in order to oppose immigration. I hope the Irish are successful in this. But the Irish in return are just anti-English. Did you notice the Irish response to Brexit? They behaved as only an enemy state would have done. If it had been Ireland leaving the EU, Britain would never have treated Ireland like that. I think Britain needs to wake up to the reality of modern Ireland - a country that is an embittered enemy of England for no discernible reason. Nationalists in Ireland need to move past the African-American-style scouring of history for anything to support a victim narrative. I explain this in depth in my blogpost at https://corkirish.wordpress.com/2018/11/18/can-the-irish-become-better-people/

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Totally agree that a lot of Irish nationalists do not have a clue, and are living in the past, thinking we are still fighting the British. We have bigger problems now...

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Here we have the British victim complex. It's no more horrific to subjugate Unionists in a UI than to subjugate Nationalists into a NI. I don't like the PIRA campaign, but if you place British soldiers into S Armagh or Derry then you invite resistance. Britain lost the consent to govern in Nationalist areas of NI, and for 30 years preferred for its soldiers to be killed rather than force Unionists into a creative solution which addressed both communities aspirations. Solutions were constantly put forward by the party representing the majority of Nationalist voters. But Britain preferred to play the victim card by crying about a savage Irish population which was shooting their soldiers rather than accept the political reality that the Catholic people of NI would not accept a return to the status quo.

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There is no British victim complex. Rather, the Unionists have their identity and are entitled to self-rule like any other people. Britain should have been MUCH more forceful in Northern Ireland, using a shoot-to-kill policy on all occasions. The Catholic people of NI are not decent people at all - as shown by their support for SF.

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The Dublin Government did not arm the IRA. There's no evidence for that. The Loyalists almost exclusively used British Army weapons. This is confirmed by British Army documents that are in the public domain. If the IRA were using Irish Army weapons the whinging from the British would never end. Why do the IRA claim the Dublin Government opposed them fully but Loyalist terrorists claim they were acting under British direction? Read Johnny Adairs comments. And that of many many more Loyalists.

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If the Unionists are entitled to self rule then so are 6 county Catholics. They also have a distinct identity. It's not about entitlement though. If they never took up arms against the British they would have locked into a situation where they were a subject people. That's the reality of the division in Ulster. But they fought the British Government on point of honour and accepted very generously the compromise of 98. On shoot-to-kill the British used this method so infrequently because they knew it created 10 more IRA men for every 1 they killed. So fighting a heroic population that reacted to violence like this, that would run into bullets as Kevin Myers pointed out - they chose the tactic of arming and directing Loyalist paramilitaries to hit the Catholic community in a random basis. If Britain had any honour she would have targeted the IRA and not random civilians. At least the IRA acted under a moral code and targeted only combatants.

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I would not say that this cowardice characterises you Irish in any way. It is more or less uniform across Western Europe.

Having said that, given your history of mass discontent and fighting against larger power structures, I might have expected to have seen even more than your current levels of protest and resistance!

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Richard Lynn, as Keith is almost certainly aware but cannot say above lest he not be taken as seriously, was hired to be an advisor to a state funded think tank in the 26 counties in which role he argued that Ireland should embrace the compulsory sterilization of its people on the road to modernity and economic development etc. The proposal was rejected and he ended up in the North where he founded the “Ulster Centre for Social Research,” where he would write stuff like this talking about Irish people having the IQ of American blacks etc.

The long and the short of it is that the lrish as low IQ is frankly just another chapter in Anglo Irish ethnic conflict and nothing more than that. It is in such a context that I would argue that the origins of the Irish as low IQ do not begin with some obscure German academic but with The Times of London depicting us as apes in the 1840s and we all know what was happening then.

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It' funny because Richard Lynn made up a lot of garbage data to bend his views, for instance he argued that Nepal has an average IQ under 50 which would make 74% of Nepalese retarded yet it has a high GDP per capita than neighboring nations of India and Pakistan who are all the same race while India and Pakistan got 85-89.

Aparantly, the only one you can criticism him for is because he didn't rate the Irish high enough. Hmm, Not able to criticise a certain group while being able to slander others? That's interesting, where have I heard that one before?

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Well I criticize him for slandering Irish people because I’m an Irish person so that’s what I care about. As I alluded to in my original comment the perception of the Irish people as dumb was used to justify genocide against us in the relatively recent past and would certainly be so used again if Ireland were ever to break with the Anglo-American order

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I completely agree. I think Lynn's works are pseudoscientific. In India, he chose to perform 40% of IQ tests on tribal populations that make up 10% of population, all from poorest part of India bringing down the average IQ considerably. Similarly, in several Arab nations, he performed most tests in areas where Florida contamination in drinking water was a major issue(which brings down IQ by 7-14 points). In Pakistan, he chose to perform a large amounts of IQ tests on Dravidian tribes that are less than 2% of population and on average, lower IQ.

My point was, many in this space simply accept manipulated statistics as long as it furthers a specific agenda but when it hurts them, they conveniently ignore or make excuses. Maybe, that's true for every political movement but this is why I like nick fuentes, who can acknowledge the truth most of the times

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Aidan, that is simply untrue. You know you are lying. What genocide of the Irish? This is the inferiority of Ireland's political culture. You're like African-Americans always trying to twist history to fit a victim narrative. The Irish were THEIR OWN WORST ENEMIES in history - that is the real truth. Look inwards for the source of your problems.

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Great content, Keith. You're laying the foundations for a new culture of race-conscious intellectualism. We need to develop new ideas/politics for the modern age.

A lot of concepts that guided our predecessors in times past require revision, or reinvention, as things in the digital age of high technology and massive movements of populations from place to place leave us seeking answers for problems which never before faced.

Global high-I.Q. Catholic takeover! o7

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I don't think you'd be making this case if you were not Irish. First off, your arguments apply for other races as well. Lack of availability of standardized tests and language issues do hurt other races as well. But of course you wouldn't entertain the same argument when made by, say, tha blacks. Speaking of whom, the American Blacks outperformed Greece in PISA scores.

Coming to PISA, You try to point Ireland's rather, high score in an effort to make a point but you don't mention that Ireland's overall scores is pulled up considerably by it's high score in reading( where it scores the 3rd highest) but in Science and Math, Ireland is behind every major western nation at around 500(average among all countries being 495). If Ireland is barely above the poorer Middle Eastern and Aftican nations, how do you think it helps your argument that Irish are aparantly, "high IQ"?

It's sad, that you've chosen to make propaganda instead of actually looking for the truth like some others in the movement do. Either, the racialndifferences among races are not very high after taking language barriers and socioeconomic factors or Ireland is not as high IQ as other European nations(excluding slavs), Chose one and stop the mental gymnastics trying to have your cake and eat it too

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(...) the Irish speaking students in his later research had no experience with standardised testing of any kind, not just IQ, we would presumably expect the inhibitory effect of unfamiliarity with testing to be much greater."

Can't this argument be made when discussing the generally lower IQ of ni... sorry, Sub-Saharan Africans?

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The main problem was the study size. Africans in the USA and other nations have had all the schooling like everyone else. Their IQ goes from 80 to 90 depending on how white they are. 80 IQ for 10 % white and 90 IQ for almost mullatos.

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IQ research is not your strong point because you leave out so many counterarguments you could address and you leave out so much data that should be discussed when talking about IQ scores. But aside from that, very good article on par with 'The Rise That Never Happened' By Russel Warne.

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I agree with all of what you said. From the beginning I have supported the citizens of Britain to get out of the EU. There has been/is an awakening in Ireland...but more needs to be done!

I think I am doing my bit.

Nice to meet you!

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If you supported Brexit, then good. That said, Brexit has confused nationalism to some extent. Nigel Farage directed it in an anti-Polish direction, as if the main point were to stop Polish migrants - and so instead we have more than 1m Africans and Asians coming instead, not exactly a good trade. Nearly everyone who voted for Brexit would rather 100 Poles moved down their street than 100 Pakistanis. But in the end, the key sticking point of Brexit was that the British elite, who are all anti-British, would not use the greater sovereignty we have gained to do anything. The EU is not as big a problem as our own government and civil service was and is....

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Estonians and Romanians have higher crime rates than Pakistanis. Also, many "Pakistani" refugees are Afghans that bribed their way to a Pakistani passport. The average crime rate of non Afghan Pakistanis is considerably lower than your average slav and the vast majority of Pakistanis speak English. Nigel's point was simply correct. 90% of people who dont have an ideological irrational hatred for other races would agree with him

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It's not just about crime rates. Are you a troll here? Pakistanis cannot become us, and they will always be a hostile community in Western countries. As the 3rd and 4th generations grow up in Britain - and the same in Ireland - they become more hostile, and use the race issue against us. Russians in the 2nd generation just become normal English/Irish/German/French people. There is a huge difference between white migration and non-white migration.

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This is also a poor argument, because IQ and hostility is not really a valid argument for preserving a people. It doesn't matter if pakistanis were the nicest least hostile people in the world. Integration will lead to miscegenation which leads to cultural erasure. In fact it is almost good to have a hostile foreigner group because it lowers chance of miscegenation.

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I think its kind of dumb to say that russians can be english or german. That is against ethno nationalism as it eradicates all unique european cultures.

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He's a troll. David you do not understand IQ tests either. Verbal intelligence is the most G loaded. Flynn effects happen on all domains.

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Disagreeing with you=/= trolling. Pakistanis are a relatively well integrated compared to any other muslim community. Nigel argued that he'd feel more unsafe around Romanians than around Indians/Pakistanis or Aussies which is simply statistically correct whether or not you think of them as being a part of your nation or not.

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NO, the Pakistanis are not integrated AT ALL. They are highly engaged in child abuse, stuck in their own communities with little interaction with English people, and peddle racism/Islamophobia memes all day long. Totally unintegrated. The worse migrants ever. The Romanians who are the problem are not white - they are Romany gypsies.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

This further proves that you're not in pursuit of truth but have an agenda. Pakistanis make up 4% of the population and 5.5% of convicted child groomers. White slavs have a much higher over representation.

Also, you try to excuse white slavs by putting the blame on Gypsies. In most of the Nordic countries, Gypsies are classed separately from White slavs and yet, Slavs commit more crime than Pakistanis ans even, Arabs.

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This is actually a valid point. However the reason for ethno nationalism isnt actually low crime rates or low iq. It is the moral right to exist as a unique population and culture. This is why australian aboriginals despite having massive crime rates and extremely low IQ still have a right to a homeland, because it is important for each group for people to have sovereignty.

The main argument for ethno-nationalism is the philosophy of biodiversity.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

Hi Mr. White,

The following link shows the 2023 result of "International Mathematical Olympiad" of Ireland. Irish students achieved: Gold medals: 0. Silver medals: 2. Bronze medals: 11, which is not a very impressive result.



The following link shows Individual results. Some of the names who achieved medals are not of Irish origin- they're probably immigrants:


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So what, Spain does well at these competitions because of investment. Nigeria does good at scrabble because of investment, are you going to argue Nigeria is higher IQ than whites now too?

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Great comment. It proves everything I've been saying. PISA tests boost Ireland up simply because they score high on Reading skills(which isn't an achievement when most members are Arabic speaking and only know English as a second language). In terms of Math and science, Ireland fares worse than middle eastern nations, even many war torn nations on the lost had more medals than Ireland.

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What a lying rat you are.

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Dnrd Spammer, I'm looking up PISA results and Ireland ranked number 2 for reading and 11 for maths & science of all the countries who participated. The only other European countries above Ireland are Estonia, Switzerland and the Netherlands in Maths and Finland and Estonia in Science. What do you mean by the reading pushing Ireland up when number 4th highers European and 11th Highest of those tested for the PISA would still be good? Unless your thinking of past tests where Ireland scored lower or something?

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If anything Ireland has the highest IQ in western Europe, by far. Maybe in the whole world

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Then, why do they score less than every European nation in science and math standardized tests? In PISA, if you exclude reading and writing language, in science and math, they're at par with middle eastern nations.

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Ireland's ranked 2 in reading and 11 in Science and Maths respectively out of 80 countries, with nearly every country ahead of them being East Asian. 18 countries are between Ireland and the average OECD score for Maths and Science and 23 for Reading. Ireland's last six rankings for Maths are : 18 - 18 - 30 - 21 - 20 - 12 ; with the last 4 results in Science being 19 - 13 - 18 - 19 ; last 4 results from Reading being 5 - 6 - 19 - 6 - 6 - 5. So if we take the older scores in Maths and Science only [averaging around 20], Ireland would still be around European countries and above the average. Turkey's the highest scoring middle eastern nation and ranks around the 35-40 range.

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Ireland scores amongst the highest in maths and science too, 200 points above Middle Eastern nations. Are you reading fiction?

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Bit of an exaggeration.

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You may be right that the earlier studies were not comprehensive. The argument that pupils in Irish-language schools "had never done a single test before" sounds bunkum. Of course, all schools do have some testing and Irish-language schools will be no different. I think the argument that IQs are broadly the same as England or only one point lower is probably right, but you haven't properly discussed the fact that the IQ test has more or less g-loaded components. The Flynn effect comes from the verbal side of the test mainly - and as all societies have become ever more saturated with high-level discourse via the media and all societies have trended towards all children staying in school until 18 and 50%-plus going to university, Ireland has probably caught up mainly on the verbal side. This is as expected. The more g-loaded side is the maths or spatial questions on the IQ test, which are less culturally-influenceable. I note that in the PISA tests, Ireland's maths score is 492, slightly ahead of England's 489, but then England has many more lower-IQ ethnic minority pupils. You really need to compare ethnic-Irish with ethnic-English only, and I think this figure alone supports the argument that real Irish people are slightly behind real English people on maths, but still well ahead of monocultural white societies like Finland. Other factors: the ingress of high-IQ East Europeans into Ireland and the role of the Celtic Tiger in enticing high-IQ Irish emigres back to Ireland. Another point is that IQ tests and GCSE results are diverging: English children score higher on IQ tests than some of the minorities who outperform them at GCSE. I think this is a problem. Effectively, the constant denigration of white people has produced less focus on English boys at schools, and led to the emergence of an "anti-boffin" culture in English schools where the English boys no longer try to do well (my nephew being a case in point). Some discussion of whether GCSEs are as well correlated with IQs as the former O-levels is also required. GCSEs are heavier on coursework, and the exams give many marks to "feelings". E.g. it was previously reported in newspapers that some questions in the history GCSE asked pupils to imagine they were imprisoned in Auschwitz and describe their feelings. Is this really correlated with IQ as strongly as previous exams? But the overall point you are making seems broadly right.

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I wish we could do this to to get a "proper" IQ score for every immigrantized European nation, but I doubt they would ever do anything like that again lol. Older data on the PISA does appear to be much higher, so idk maybe the only way to make sure will be to look at how Ireland's PISA score changes as it becomes more *diverse*

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If you deeply at the PISA scores, native Irish score higher than other whites coming into our country.

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Keith's IQ is single-handedly raising the Irish average by a point or two

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What of a brain drain to america.

Were the irish not one of the groups who had large percentages leave for the new world.

The high IQ population tails end is small enough that this could be impactful perhaps?

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My 2nd-generation Irish-American grandfather escaped a big family of boozy ex-potato-farmer saloon-keepers in Minnesota, earned an MA in math, taught high school and ended up a legendary football coach and principal. His son, my dad, won an Ivy League scholarship. So maybe grandpa was the smart one in a family of drunken idiots. Or maybe it's true that "God created whiskey to keep the Irish from takin' over the warld."

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Perhaps, Whiskey was the Irish man's cope to explain why he never had a chance at taking over the world.

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Or as the drunkard in The Little Prince would have said if he was Irish, "I drink because I can't take over the world, and I can't take over the world because I drink."

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