Great synopsis Keith. A lot of us are thinking along the very same lines. The work needs just to be done now wrt policy, candidate selection and brand building, community organising, and content creation. 4 years is not a lot of time.

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You raise some good points, but I think a better strategy would be to dress up in costumes and do push ups in the woods until 'the system collapses'

In all seriousness, right now the priority for nationalists in most countries (including Ireland) should to be recruiting intelligent and competent young men, as you have pointed out. As we all know from personal experience and observation, what really builds and energizes a large audience is entertaining content- debates, edits, memes, controversies. Fuentes is the master of this, but the same principle attracts people to the BAP sphere or even leftist movements. While the moral and rational arguments for nationalism and white identitarianism are compelling, they themselves aren't capable of the kind of mass movement required to move beyond fringe intellectualising (and unfortunately we operate within a democracy where fringe intellectuals don't have dictatorial authority). It was watching Shapiro own leftists in 2016 which brought many of us down the alt right rabbit hole and onto 4chan etc.

I think our competitive advantage in this regard is our ability to be edgy and violate taboos - obviously this has to be done with some discretion to avoid censorship or distasteful content which turns people away, because we unfortunately do have a tendency of attracting antisocial weirdos.

Ideally, this entertainment would act as an avenue to convert capable people into true believers. The proportion of people who are capable of becoming idealogues willing to sacrifice and dedicate time to any political cause is small, but if many young white men can be exposed to our ideas through viral, transgressive content, we will maximise our share of this important demographic. We also avoid attracting retarded Qboomers and other worthless schizos.

Obviously that is all pretty general, and a lot easier said than done, but coming to a strategic consensus is probably a good idea before people haphazardly expend effort in disjointed endeavours. Perhaps we could propogate the idea that creating and spreading good content is a form of activism, but the effect will probably be mostly organic. Regardless, this article was excellent. We await your orders Keith O7

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Dec 4Edited

"right now the priority for nationalists in most countries (including Ireland) should to be recruiting intelligent and competent young men" - and even if the state does underhand tactics against such a group, such as with the AfD, this is progress. I choose to see an attack as progress. It shows us what the system really sees as a threat.

I'm sure we've all noticed that cranks actually have their message *amplified* by the system in order to mock it, whereas serious people aren't given any oxygen if it can be avoided.

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They've been using AI to prevent right wing parties rising in Europe for years now. The developer boasts about how well it works. All forms of media are controlled, both legacy and social. We will never win an election when it's so rigged before it even gets to the voting and counting process and that in itself is a huge problem in Ireland.

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Palantir is the company that did that

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It isn't AI, it's aliens

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Great contribution Leo. Do you doubt the AI statement?

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You're who Keith is talking about in the article btw. Such conspiratorial views only hold us back.

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This better be bait

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there is truth to what the user said, Palantir was used to "short circut" the rise of organic right wing parties in europe

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What bait-y about my statement?

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"... unfortunately the New Right is not a charity nor a shelter for lost boys. For every weirdo we accept, we turn away ten people who we’d actually want among our ranks." Quote from countercurrents article. I agree with you on theme, although we may disagree on details.

Our task is to be strategically solid while remaining tactically fluid. Similarly, with regards to 'blackpilling', we need to balance realism without demoralising. A good analogy is a siege on a medieval city. To break in, you have:

- People undermining the walls, poisoning wells (undermining politicians constantly, mocking authority etc)

- People providing distractions, so others can scale the walls (our enemies do this, why should we have qualms about it? Dig in to their social/personal lives)

- People scaling walls (the bravest, most professional soldiers. Must be squeaky clean in image and not crack under pressure)

- People surrounding the town (starving the system in whatever way)

- Psychological tactics (wafting the smell of food in to the starving city, etc. It should be uncool/unsexy to be part of current establishment).

- Battering rams at the gate (Can't think of a parallel for this one! Bottom line: lots of people with lots of different approaches. We only need one opening to the city.)

You might disagree with the above. I've seen you write (correctly) that big tent politics can backfire, and we need a smaller, high quality bunch *who are disciplined* and in it for the long haul. However, the above approach recognises that not all are suited to each position, and makes it acceptable for others to take roles which are not in the limelight.

Finally, I think that Patriotic Alternative and The Woodlander Initiative (both UK) are promising models for nationalists who are years away from holding power. This is part of what I 'the ecosystem approach'.

Sorry for the essay. Not my intention! :*-D

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Dec 4Edited

Just thought of battering ram parallel: constant, disciplined, non-spergy dissemination of information. Digestible, well-referenced, normie friendly graphs on migration, white displacement etc. Over and over again like a battering ram. We can do this without watering our message down that much. A battering ram will focus its destruction on a single weakest point. Repeatedly.

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You write well. I agree with your points too. Thanks.

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Success won't be coming through the NP anyway. You need to meet people where they are. Independent Ireland look like the best shout to get people elected and then bring Ireland further to the right. Candidates should be studying Carol Nolan and emulate her campaign. You have to win for it to be worth anything at the end of the day.

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Independent Ireland are pro-immigration and joined a pro-hate speech liberal grouping in the EU

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I don't think the Ciaran Mullooly farce makes the party. The candidate who ran in the GE in Dublin Mid West gave me the impression that she favoured an all round restrictive immigration policy. It's possible to run in that party on that platform. They have potential imo.

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«Since older people get their news from traditional media, they see the only choice as the stability of the FFG centre or empowering the collection of hard-left parties in opposition. Immigration was a concern, but all the main parties hardened their rhetoric leading up to the election to retain support. So, for most of the populace, the general election is a referendum on the stable progressive centre»

A late comment but I hope that it it may be useful: what motivates most people's vote is not identity or values or other metaphysical concepts but *money* and the "Middle Ireland" east coast affluent property owners vote on their property profits, just like in the UK "Middle England" voters of the south-east vote on the same.

Therefore each elections is a referendum not on the "stable progressive centre" but on how much the governing parties, whichever they are, deliver bigger property profits to "Middle Ireland" voters, redistributing them upwards from the lower classes.

Those "Middle Ireland" voters may grumble about immigration but immigration is hugely boosting property incomes, from which they benefit, and cutting lower-class labor costs, which is also a benefit to them, especially if retired, so everything is fine.

Young people do not vote because no major party is willing to represent "losers and suckers", that is people who do not own property on the east coast, just like in the UK no major party is willing to represent them, as the core voters of all major parties are affluent property owners (in the UK described as "aspirational voters who shop at John Lewis and Waitrose" or the "conservatory-building classes").

Anti-immigration nationalism may get traction if it campaigned on Corbyn-style politics of making housing cheaper and wages better by cutting immigration, but how many principled nationalists would really want to pay more for cleaners, carers, gardeners, ... and cut in half the price of their properties for the sake of stopping immigration?

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I thought NA would at least get a TD in Derek Blighe, who appeared to have high chances of winning, and would therefore become *THE* party in the minds of the masses when they think "far-right", and therefore we would finally have a unified alternative. But IFP splitting [their only councillor Glen Moore has left] appears to be the second best chance at this. NA is going to merge soon and we can finally have a unified, Nationalist, non-SchizoBoomer front.

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Yes, this is what we're working for. The next year will be to establish the NA as the Unified Nationalist party that is serious, professional, being willing to work with other Nationalists of good will, and having the most forward looking and positive vision for Ireland's future.

The team is small and strong, but we have good working relationship and a model for working with people coming from different political experiences.

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