The home office report you cite to show that 'Asians' are overrepresented in grooming gangs, itself greatly conceals their involvement by cherry picking known-incorrect data. It deliberately uses the outdated CEOP 2011 report, from before the police were forced to stop covering up grooming gangs. While CEOP 2011 listed offenders as 28% 'Asian', in CEOP 2013 that was 75%, and in the 2018 GLCSEO (https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3248665) it was 84%. Why a government report made in 2020 would reach back all the way to 2011, passing over newer data, is left as an exercise to the reader (It does actually cite CEOP 2013 as well, just not for the data it doesn't like).

It's also worth noting the home office report itself was at first kept secret, and a freedom of information request was denied, saying its release would "not be in the public interest" (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gang-rotherham-review-home-office-findings-a9344896.html). Only after a petition gathered 100k signatures to force a discussion in parliament, was the report released... or rather, *a* report - while the report that was kept secret from the public was completed in February 2020, and in May the petition forced the announcement that the report would be released, it was only made public 7 months later in December, and dated December 2020 on its cover.

I,Hypocrite covered it in his grooming gang documentary - the relevant section is between 1h34m and 1h43m, but the whole video is worth watching: https://odysee.com/@iHypocrite:d/uk-grooming-gangs-a-documentary:a

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This is important info, I've added some of it to the article

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Glad I could be of service. Is there a way I can send some information (unrelated to this article, but related to your activism) to you anonymously? I've sent an email to keithwoods0 at protonmail dot com a while ago, but not heard anything back. You can contact me at trshelper at protonmail dot com

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You have an Islamic terrorist poster on the other article. Named Jaafar. A real piece of work. Supports Hamas, hates Jews, and denies Muslims ever do anything wrong.

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We will never forget this happened, who did it, and who covered it up.

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The traitors need to pay first and worst

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Guess who is the children's capital of culture for this year? Rotherham. You couldn't make this stuff up.

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A terrific article: literally.

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Coming to Ireland soon! The newcomers are already chopping our heads off and stabbing us when we go jogging. And the government is sending out text messages welcoming more and more to come to Ireland.

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I have a Spanish friend in his 50s who travels alone to places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. At a hotel in Pakistan, a member of staff asked him whether he'd like them to send a boy to his room for sex. He declined! He told me this as a shocking anecdote, but it shouldn't be that shocking.

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A great article and must have taken some time to trawl through the carnage, that is data on grooming gangs by ethnicity. What is more incredible is that police and social Work, to this day, still have not put in place meaningful processes that will prevent this from happening again. It is still happening.

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It is my understanding that a freedom of information request revealed that the Home Office sent instructions to every police district in England, informing them that should they receive complaints of the sexual abuse of underage children by non-Whites, in particular Muslims, that the abused should be told that they have only themselves to blame. and that it is a life style they have chosen themselves.

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A better example of institutionalized victim-blaming would be impossible to imagine.

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It seems somebody higher-up wants to change the genetic composition of the "British people".

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Are Pakistanis. There’s no way it’s not still going on. Every Englishman should be ashamed.

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Hey, I spend the holidays writing articles on here on white genocide after getting banned from twitter again. I just finished another on the lack of sentencing, sometimes none at all, for these people, it also includes 2 Dutch cases, perhaps the compilation can be of benefit to you. https://substack.com/home/post/p-154330903?source=queue&autoPlay=false

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UK data analytics be like:

1.) Don’t collect accurate data

2.) Obscure undeniably clear data

3.) Hide remaining data

4.) When pressured, use old data

5.) To mute public outrage, reinterpret all data

6.) Politicize remaining discussions about data

7.) Go back to step one with any residual data

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"...popular English historian Tom Holland reiterated his belief that it was “noble goal” for the authorities to cover up the grooming gangs, given that it was with the intention of preserving “good race relations”;

How can you have good race relations when one race is allowed to rape another?

How can running cover for grooming gangs be a noble goal?

The whole point of morally bankrupt, pseudo-intellectual court historians like Holland is so that those questions will never be asked, let alone answered.

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No debates, no compromise. Europe for Europeans. Send them all back.

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The most pressing question here which no one seems to address is: are Pakistani gangs still operating and if so, are girls being tortured right now? If the authorities actually stopped these gangs, then this is not as big a scandal as it seems, but based on what I am reading it seems impossible that they could have actually put a stop to this. With all these short term prison sentences. Also, I would like to understand the “steel man” argument for punishing people for tweets - the British use so many euphemisms for things that I think they obscure the issues. Is it that authorities are afraid of generalized terrorism from these groups … these gangs are terrorists.

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Nick is correct on the musk RT. Why do you feel the need to defend islam?

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