Good to see Mark Collett set up a fund for Sam's pregnant Wife and child. People can also help the family at this time buy buying tea and coffee from their family online biz GRANDMA TOWLER'S.

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A very good, sober analysis of what Galloway's election means for the future of British politics. Galloway isn't one of "our guys", but he clearly understands that different groups have different concerns which are related to their identities. The rhetoric employed by Sunak, to the effect that we all share "common values", rings hollow when you see the constant ethnic and religious conflict going on in the UK, whether it's Hindus against Muslims, Muslims against Jews, everyone against Whites, etc.

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The time to act is now. To all young Brits who are active in this scene, Rishi was wheeled out Friday night to remind the public that the behemoth is vulnerable. Shrewd plays like Galloway's, the inevitable decimation of the Tories and the makings of regional war in the middle east believe it or not spell good news for Nationalists in this country. Get politically active now and by 2030 we will have force in numbers unable to be made an example of like poor Sam.

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Unlike Haz and Maga Communism, Galloway is both a portent and a model to follow.

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We must pray to our forsaken Gods that this trend of open ethnic identitarianism and polarisation increases and accelerates to the point of open racial civil war, which now looks to be the only hope for White racial awakening and survival in the West.

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"our forsaken Gods"

Would those be the gods of the copybook headings?

Have no fear. As the poet foresaw, they always return.

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I was thinking of Wōden and co. but I'd take the Great Old Ones at this point.

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You conquered the world with a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other, then like a damn fool you dropped the sword while remaining culturally Christian. England, you sane? Pick up the fckn sword!

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A great piece. I'd like to add that the two demographics that Galloway appealed to , being the Muslims, and the White working class , both should be angry at the Zionist influence over the British government , as it is this Zionist influence that is pushing multiculturalism (and secular degeneracy, but I digress) all over the west, to replace White people in the west , specifically White Christians . As a child of immigrant parents, when I was younger, I thought of multiculturalism as being an honourable cause to stand by, but as I've gotten older and more knowledgeable , it has become clear where this derives from , and what the intended purpose of mass migration into western Europe really is. Due to the Zionist influence over many nations in the world , through their many devices (the UN , the WHO and the FED to name a few) it seems that countries outside of Europe are either victim to corrupt leaders , or are war zones, as a result of Zionist influence . This creates refugees or people aspiring for a better life, which plays right into the hands of the Zionist agenda , as they migrate to Western Europe mainly , being the perceived free world , who then welcome them in their masses, due to the their Zionist political standpoint. Quite frankly , Zionist influence is a matter which affects us all , in different ways , in more ways that I have not mentioned , but without Zionist influence being so rampant throughout the globe , Nationalism can really prosper, which in my opinion , will result in reduced demand for people to migrate, as people should then be able to live and prosper in their own respective homelands .

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EthnoNationism is only stifled and suppressed by tge oppression of this weakening behemoth of Zionist containment. If the Tory party can Britain into a Nationalist hotbed. Churchill dead corpse will be fantaically rolling over how the modern zionist British establishment failed to stop on what he successfully did in the late 30s.

Even if Britain deckares war on Russia. Marshal law here would utterly fail here.

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Worried for the Muslims. When the system can't submit people, they make them the enemy.

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The good news for them is they have a home to return to

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What home are you talking about?

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Pietro' Boselli Italian he Londoner he vote British party in England July 4 2024 UK general election. He British citizen Pietro Boselli Italian

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Long range prediction:

Westerners stop worrying about voting for politicians that will either betray them or be marginalized by the system, and start tribing up old-school.


Westerners and Western culture will cease to exist.

Only 2 options that matter. Everything else is commenting on the water level coming up the side of the Titanic.

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Awesome. Spot on.

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