Crikey. It looks like Europa is an incredibly badly researched project.

I'm glad you're looking into the specifics here, people critical of the establishment don't need any more meme/Bobo history in our evidence pile making us look bad.

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You gotta keep going man.

This stuff is gold. 😉

There is an information overload and to have well researched articles that vet BS put out by dissident agenda is something we don’t have nearly enough of.

Even though they have good intentions I like precision so reading your point of view is helpful.

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I also remember in this documentary they lambast America’s “racism” (contrasting it with Germany’s) in “you’re the real racist” boomer-tier style. So dumb, lol. They also did an utterly terrible job of explaining Hitler’s worldview and even attempted to sanitize it of any shred of hate. Hitler was a racist - so what?

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It's true that Germany under the NSDAP was less racialist than the USA - because we never imported a million Africans until 2010+.

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Good article. What a mess…

Keith, someone hands you a million and tells you to make a documentary on whatever topic you think will benefit your politics the most. What do you cover?

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The Great Replacement

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Regenerative Agriculture

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Curious course of action on your part. Inspired by what exactly? Or, much more likely, by whom?

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Watched the first episode. The beginning was the claims you would expect, but then it turned into personal accounts of how badly treated they were treated at the hands of the Soviets. No lie detected, but it occurred to me it was "crying into the microphone" which is little different when people invoke a certain event in eastern Europe circa 1945 when anyone criticizes a certain Middle-East ethnostate. Why does one microphone cry trump another? How about just state your case, bring the receipts, and let us crunch the numbers?

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"But the claim they were all Jewish is false. Of these seven, only one, Paul Warburg, was Jewish."

Where is your evidence of this? This isn't a debunk. The family histories and even birthdays of some of these guys has been wiped off of the mainstream websites. You can find absolutely zero on Arthur Shelton outside of old books, which I happen to have. I will dig deeper, but this is another dishonest move from you. I went through each one of the guys on the list, which I had already researched, and found that there isn't evidence for or against them being Jewish. One red flag though is that it is a common tactic for the Jewish people to wipe their data from the internet. I've built a giant matrix to prove all of this. It also helps me to quickly disprove and point out falsehoods. I will do some research on you too Keith Woods.

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can you post the link to what ur saying

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Old Keith Woods, wonder who he really works for?

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Why is schizophrenia so common in the online right?

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Why not collaborate with Karl Randl to update/edit this documentary? Seems a

More productive endeavour rather than debunking a useful piece of work that is no doubt contributed to your own rise in acclaim amongst normie amd nationalist spheres

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Great post, but at this rate, you’ll have fact-checked the whole thing by July, lol.

It would be interesting if fact-checking the whole documentary could be crowdsourced. For example, some people could go through and flag questionable/important claims in the transcript, and others could give a true/false rating with an explanation. At the end, Keith could comb through the results and put it all together.

What's more, with enough participants, you could get redundancy and hopefully reliability.

I anticipate issues in writing the software (is AI good enough to do this?) and getting enough man-power, but it's an interesting idea.

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Sounds like ‘Europa’ was funded by the Rothschilds

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Was funded by "the bankers". It is convenient to blame every fault of capitalism on the "Bolsheviks".

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Never trust an antisemite. They embellish and exaggerate. Good work!

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Good God, you do get around. Congratulations on the birth of your sixth child. A daughter if l remember correctly? Perhaps it's "bad form" to bring up the Academic Agent at Keith Woods' comment section ... but what the heck. Using the Agent's model of there being six schools of right-wing thought: Schizo, Slop, Realism, Race, Trad, Doom, and Tribe, l would say, The Last Battle Europa, is an example of Schizo batter (conspiracy theorizing) with some Tribe (anti-Semitism) leveling. The end result is a tasty nutloaf for those with an unrefined palate. One apparently, as well, almost completely devoided of intellectual nourishment.

What I've noticed about you is that, every single time, you offer up a teaspoon of schmaltz. I suppose that's better than you reaching for the crisco. Although l usually feel a sense of violation after reading another of your kvetchs.

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American WigNats are incredibly dumb and fall for ridiculous propaganda. They have little depth, relying on low information, meme ideology. Like most people, I supposr. I am a German national socialist (not a National Socialist), ambivalent on Hitler/Stalin, and I dislike Americans. I don't want your white solidarity. Get the fuck off our continent, and take the English with you.

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The Fed does play an important role in facilitating 'money creation' by purchasing securities in the secondary market and crediting commercial banks with increased reserves, which then allows these banks to create new loans, effectively 'new money'. WW2 and covid were instances where the Fed did engage in direct monetization.

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Thanks, Keith, for the articles on Europa. Though I agree with much of it, there is no place for misinformation, lies or deliberate inaccuracy among White Nationalists or racial dissidents. Truth is paramount as I'm sure you're quite aware of.

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Keith said at the very end, "One important takeaway for this though, is that while money is created out of thin air, through credit creation, this is not done by the Federal Reserve, but by private banks."

This interview said that Fed. Chairman Ben Bernanke had the authority, on its own, to loan/create money.

https://youtu.be/uRM9qV4lkEg?t=451 through https://youtu.be/uRM9qV4lkEg?t=520

Within about a year of the 2008 financial collapse, The Fed had loaned almost $30 TRILLION at 0% to the "too big to fail" banks.

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