Elevating right-wing historical literacy, one post at a time!

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Great one Keith. Documentaries like “The Last Battle” are counterproductive in my opinion. It plays far too fast and loose with the facts.

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Is there a small list of productive documentaries or worthwhile historians you could share?

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Hellstorm is a well made documentary about allied war crimes. The Greatest Story Never Told is another multi-part documentary stories, discussing an alternative viewpoint to the rise of Hitler.

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They should have left the first several minutes of Hellstorm on the editing room floor. Unnecessary and absolutely cringe

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Thomas777, Apolostic Majesty, Lavader (ww1), and Fascipedia.com

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The Unz Review by Ron Unz is great, as well as his book American Pravda.

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We aren't going to ever get anywhere by just sticking to the "facts". Inspiration does not mean facts.

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TL;DR we don't need to rely on inaccuracies and conspiracies to make a case for our ethnic homelands and a Europe for Europeans

Great job, also courageous, I suspect there might be a bit of seething about this article, we shall see.

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This is very good work, but I have to pick you up on one thing.

French magazine "Le droit de vivre" is absolutely not antisemitic. It is very, very strongly pro-Jews. It was published by the French equivalent of the ADL, the "Ligue internationale contre (le racisme et) l'antisémitisme" (they added the "racism" part in 1932), which still exists today. You can see the "LICA" logo on the front page of every issue.

The May 23, 1936, op-ed piece is an acclamation of Leon Blum, the newly elected (Jewish) socialist Prime Minister, and there's another one that praises Sigmund Freud.

Issues are available here, and it is blatant how pro-socialism and pro-Jewish they are: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb32758983t/date.item

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Thanks for the correction, I've removed that comment.

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I also immediately found the May 12, 1936 article. Dude, did you get anything right here? Are you being paid to obfuscate. Obviously Europa got a lot wrong, and I think it was put there to divide us, but what you're doing seems not very genuine. https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/4070799

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How does that prove me wrong? I didn't deny the article exists. What else did I get wrong?

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Thanks for doing this, Keith. I’ve had several instances myself where friends share a quote or meme based on some event that was in fact wrong. It’s important for us to cross the Ts and dot the Is. We already have truth on our side, no need to resort to concocting agitprop. It’s much better in the long run.

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A timely post, very worthy of discussion, but had by no means left me with a wholeheartedly agreeable impression, like your other posts usually do.

It is regrettable that we're going to see more and more attempts to discredit critics and dissidents of the post-liberal mondialist regime, not through polemic attacks or outright persecution, but by the effluence of what essentially amounts to memetic garbage of an ostensibly "based" variety. E.g. Jews are reptilian shapeshifters and they were responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, or something of the sort. This type of sieg-kek attitude is no threat to the "powers that be" and they will promote it every possible way.

While I have no reason to believe that this Tobias Bratt was acting on bad faith, it is a pertinent concern of ours that reasonable voices will become drowned out in 9gag/tiktok/Cracked type massively funded mediawar ops catering the right wing, gamer public with provocative buzzwords and insipid Reich imagery.

However I disagree with you on one point. Namely concerning the Marxist attitude towards the Slavic peoples. While it is true that Karl Marx did not explicitly state so outright, considering the time period and setting he lived under, the notion of Eastern Europeans as being inherently "retarded" in terms of being opposed to progressive policies and ideas, was one of the driving elements behind the Soviet Union's subsequent actions.

In that sense Bratt gets the essence of communism's relation towards ethnic groups that overwhelmingly reject "socialist progress" absolutely correct.

With regards to Karl Marx's alleged real name, we might perhaps need to pay closer attention to Talmudic naming conventions. Don't the Jews have a tradition of assigning a second name, a true name to their children after their grandparents?

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I've never watched this documentary in its entirety, but I've seen clips here and there. It tries to force a lot of wholesome chungus ideas, that the "real racists" of WWII were the Allies and the Axis was the more tolerant force. There was this other clip about how Jews created the Federal Reserve, followed by the implication that they orchestrated the Titanic disaster to eliminate vocal opponents of the Reserve who were onboard. Of the three men who died on the Titanic and opposed the Reserve, two were Jewish, whereas 1 out of the 9 orchestrators of the reserve was Jewish. The documentary, of course, doesn't really go beyond "they created it and silenced everyone who opposed it."

Ultimately, this seems to be the main point of the documentary: 12 hours of carefully curated context and falsehoods designed to construct a web of implications. Its undertones of "multicultural unity against Zion" make it appealing to people who shouldn’t be involved in this movement at all. Much of its content is indefensible—which is why none of its defenders bother to debate it.

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Who SHOULD be involved in this movement, and why should they be?

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Pleasant read

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I remember getting “red pilled” by the Greatest Story Never Told. Similarly it was a long 6hr documentary on an alternative view of WW2 and Hitler. It’s very possible there was a good amount of misinfo in there. I have no idea. I liked it regardless and I’m glad I watched it. I think the gist of it was “Hitler dindu nuffin and gas chambers didn’t real.” To this day that’s basically where I’m at.

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Your comment goes over Keith's head. He wants to be the voice of reason, not massive redpilling documentaries which are meant to inspire and wake up, not give us ammo to debate with

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Good job mate.

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The National Socialists were right. I’m not sure how that’s historically indefensible. Highly recommend you read Mein Kampf Thomas Dalton edition.

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“historically indefensible apologetics for National Socialism” I read this as not necessarily saying that any and all defense of National Socialism is wrong but that there are some claims made that are historically inaccurate, which is true. They may have been right about some things but they still had their faults and made mistakes.

Which one of us is misinterpreting this? It could very well be me, I can’t say I really know Keith’s stance on this. Just curious!

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Do you mind sharing with me some of those faults and mistakes so that I know what you may be referring to?

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I'd love to hear about these faults of national socialist ideology as well.

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Oh excuse me, never mind that, it was the only political ideology in existence that was 100% perfect and totally impervious to critique, no faults to be found, zero errors were made 🙄

I’m not interested in arguing about National Socialism with randos, I just wondered who was interpreting the quoted statement correctly. If you can’t help answer that then don’t reply

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I'd say it was pretty much perfect, yes.

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Please share any criticisms of National Socialism you may have; I haven't actually been able to find any faults.

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Why Dalton over the official NSDAP (aka stalag) version?

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Although I haven’t read both in order to compare them, my understanding is that the Dalton version is structured better for modern English readers. You can access the Dalton version online for free and in the intro he breaks down the backstory for each translation and discusses their pros and cons. I’ve read a ton of Dalton’s articles as well and really appreciate his work. He adds highly descriptive footnotes that add context throughout.

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I've read both and I agree completely. The Stalag version certainly reads better than the Mannheim version. But it still has quite a few of those almost unintelligible long sentences in it.

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You might also enjoy reading my 12-part series on Substack beginning with World War One.

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Great read! In the beginning you remarked on chuds spreading “historically indefensible apologetics for national socialism.” I agree and would love to hear you elaborate on this.

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Glad to see this finally being made. Quite frankly Europa TLB is slop and it's reputation as some sort of red pilling holy grail is undeserved. While I concede the benefit of putting people on the path.

I suspect many of those who sing it's praises were already predisposed to RW politics and were just waiting for someone to tell them the "Truth".

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I can't open the website holocausthandbook, it says access denied. Can anyone recommend a collection of primary sources in German? I am German, so I would like to read them in their original language since I don't trust the english quotations and translations. Even if they do their best and don't have an agenda, there's still a chance of mistranslations happening.

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Seeing Evropa for the first time I saw how it was a valuable tool for the emerging alternate right, but I knew some details were blown out of proportion. That's why I reccomend Thomas777 to people who are open, but critically minded around these subjects.

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I witnessed the Canadian parliament and US Congress preform like a herd of clapping seals

to the Israeli PM. That doesn't just happen.

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